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Sunday 28 October 2012


Q=What time is it when you have to go the dentist?

A=Tooth Hurty!

Q=Who likes to drink cocoa?

A= Cocoanut!

Q=What did one eye say to the other eye?

A=Between you and me, something smells.

Q=What did the teacher say when it rained cats and dogs?

A=Be careful not to step on a poodle!

Q=What is even smarter than a talking bird?

A=Spelling Bee!

Q=Who is the greatest underwater spy?

A=James POND!

Q=What sickness does a martial artist have?

A=Kung FLU!

Q=What happens if you take a one hundred foot dive into a glass of gingerale?

A=Nothing! It's a SOFT drink!

Q=Why did the students eat their homework?

A=Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!
Q=What kind of a storm is always in a rush?

A=Hurry Cain!

Q=Why are there gates around graveyards?

A=Because everybody is DYING to get in!

Q=What do you get if you mix a car, a fly, and a dog?

A= flying carpet!

Q=What do you call a worm with no teeth?

A=gummy worm!

Q=What lies on the bottom of the ocean and shakes?

A= nervous wreck!

Q=How did the telephone propose to the lady?

A=It gave her a ring!
Q=What pet does everyone have?

A=An Armpet!

Q=What did the nut say when it sneezed?


Q=What table can we eat?

A= vegeTABLE!

Q=Which is faster: Hot or Cold?

A=Hot, 'cause you can catch a cold!

Q=Why did the man with one hand cross the road?

A=To get to the second-hand shop!

Q=Why does "A" look like a flower?

A=Because "B" follows it!

Q=Why did the boy tiptoe towards the medicine cabinet?

A=Because he didn't want to wake the sleeping pills!

Q=What did Cinderella say to the photographer?

A=I want my "prints" back!

Q=What is a cannibal's favourite game?

A=Swallow the Leader!

Q=Why couldn't the teddy bear eat his dessert?

A=He was stuffed!

Q=What does a farmer use to count his cattle?

A= COWculator!

Q=Why didn't the skeleton dance?

A=Because he had no body to dance with!

Q=Who won when the two waves raced?

A=They tide!
Q=Why did the boy put lipstick on his head?

A=Because he wanted to make up his mind!
Q=What happened to the dog that swallowed a watch?

A=It got ticks!

Q=Who is the ruler of the beach?

A=The Sand-witch!

Q=Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize?

A=Because he was out standing in his field!

Q=Which cat would you never play poker with?

A= Cheetah!

Q=Why did the kid cross the park?

A=To get to the other slide!

Q=Why couldn't the pirates play cards?

A=Because the captain was sitting on the deck!

Q=What do you get when you a cross a vampire with a snowman?


Q=What do you call a fish without eyes?

A= fsh!

Q=Why did the child bring his dad to school?

A='Cause he had a POP quiz!

Q=When a duck has no money, what does it tell the waiter?

A="Put it on my bill!"

Q=Why doesn't Dracula have friends?

A='Cause he's a pain in the neck!

Q=What did the ocean say to the beach?

A=Nothing. It just waved!

Q=Why was the baby ant confused?

A=Because all of his uncles were ants!

Q=Why can't a nose be twelve inches long?

A=Because then it'd be a foot!

Q=When is a door not a door?
A=When it's aJAR!

Q=Why do people carry umbrellas?

A=Because umbrellas can't walk!
Q=How does the biologist like to communicate?

A=With his cell phone!

Q=When do parents complain because of eye pain?

A=When they have their eye on you!

Q=What's brown and sticky?

A= stick!
Q=Why did Superman cross the road?

A=To get to the supermarket!

Q=What did the football coach say to the banker?

A=I want my quarter back!

Q=Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?

A='Cause he didn't have the guts!

Q=What's green and sings?

A=Elvis Parsley!
Q=Why is six afraid of seven?

A=Because seven "ate" nine!

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